Often, people assume that if their bedding is clean and relatively comfortable, they should continue to use it until it wears out. However, bedding needs to be replaced just like any other object in your home, and doing so could improve your life in more ways than one. Here are four great reasons to upgrade your bedding, and why you won't regret investing in high-quality fabrics, pillows, and comforters.
At the end of a long day, most people just want to retreat to their bedrooms, get into some comfortable pajamas, and climb into a warm, cozy bed. Unfortunately, if your bedding is old or damaged, you might be more focused on that new tear in your duvet or the stain on your pillowcase than you are about snuggling with your loved ones.
One of the most important reasons to upgrade your bedding is the fact that it improves your personal sanctuary. Fluffy down comforters and silky sheets can make you feel like the king of your own castle, even though they are modest investments.
New bedding also improves the perception of cleanliness in your home, which is important if your room is in visible sight of other people on a regular basis. For example, if you live in a studio apartment or your room has windows that face the street, new bedding can make your entire home look more put-together.
Making your bed can help you to accomplish your first important task of the day, which is why research has shown that 71% of people who report making their bed state that they are generally happy. However, it isn't fun to make a bed that doesn't look great when you finish making it, which is another reason upgrading your bedding might be beneficial.
When you choose new bedding, you have the chance to completely makeover your room, giving the entire space a dose of character. Fresh sheets, patterned comforters, and throw pillows that brighten your day make morning chores fun, starting your day off the right way.
As you sleep, your body sloughs off skin cells that become trapped in mattresses, pillows, and down comforters. Because microscopic dust mites use these cells as a natural food source, keeping the same old bedding for years can exacerbate allergies and create ongoing health issues.
Fortunately, by doing something as simple as replacing your bedding, you can whisk away allergens from your sleep surface in an instant. Believe it or not, some new bedding products hitting the market have even been shown to sanitize bacteria and germs on contact, protecting your immunity while you sleep.
New bedding can also make it easier to get the sleep you need since soft, comfortable sheets and warm comforters keep you warm and relaxed during the night. In fact, studies have shown that new bedding can improve your sleep quality by as much as 62%.
Although this number might seem high, it isn't unrealistic considering the kinds of state-of-the-art bedding options that are available these days. In addition to traditional cotton and flannel sheets, some manufacturers offer varieties designed to dissipate heat, cool on contact, or even trap warmth close to you while you rest.
Before you start shopping for new bedding, carefully analyze what you want out of your sleep experience. Are you usually too warm at night or do you find yourself sneezing from unknown allergens? Think about what obstacles have interrupted your sleep in the past, and find bedding that is designed to tackle those concerns.
If your bedding could use a makeover, visit Genie's Drapery Service INC. With their incredible knowledge of fabrics, window coverings, and shutters, our professionals can help you to create the home of your dreams while saving you money.